Results section in research paper | X33902JK.BEGET.TECH

Write the Abstract and Title: The Abstract is always the result section in research paper section written because it is a concise summary of the entire paper and should include a clear statement of your aims, a brief description of the methods, the key findings, and your interpretation of the key results.

Guidelines on Writing a Research Proposal

The Title will probably be written earlier, but is often modified once the final form of the paper clearly known. Most authors revise their paper s at least x before giving it out for peer review. Go back over your paper now and read it carefully; read it aloud. Does it say what you your interpretations into themes II.

The Content The content of the discussion section of your paper most Essay of education system in pakistan to the research problem.

References to previous research: This can include re-visiting key sources already cited in your literature review section, or, save them to cite later in the discussion section if they are more important to compare with your results instead of being a part of the general literature review of research used to provide context and result section in research paper information.

Note that you can make this decision to highlight specific studies after you have begun writing the discussion section. For example, describing lessons learned, proposing recommendations that can help improve a situation, or highlighting best practices.

This can be framed as new research questions that emerged as a result of your analysis. Organization and Structure Keep the following sequential points in mind as you organize and write the discussion section of your paper: Think of your discussion as an inverted pyramid.

Organize the discussion from the general to the specific, linking your findings to the literature, then to theory, then to practice [if appropriate]. Use the same key terms, narrative style, and verb tense [present] that you used when when describing the customer service essay problem in your introduction.

Begin by briefly re-stating the research problem you were investigating and answer all of the result section in research paper questions underpinning the problem that you posed in the introduction. Describe the patterns, principles, and relationships shown by each major findings and place them in proper perspective. The information should include: For example, «A Paired t-test was used to result section in research paper mean flight duration before and after applying stablizers to the glider’s wings.

Here is some additional advice on particular problems common to new scientific writers. The Methods section is prone to being wordy or overly detailed.

  • Therefore, it must summarize your research, results and conclusions in less than words.
  • After writing this section, make sure you can easily identify the single sentence that is the problem statement.
  • Avoid repetitive paragraph structures.
  • Training in on-line searches is available from the Reference Librarians.
  • A few historical references may be helpful for perspective, but most of the references should be relatively recent and included to aid in the interpretation of your results or used to link to similar studies.
  • Note any unanswered questions or issues your study did not address and describe the generalizability of your results to other situations.
  • The fate of Native Americans today.
  • Bringing Order to the Web The citation link graph of the web is an important resource that has largely gone unused in existing web search engines.
  • This scheme requires slightly more storage because of duplicated docIDs but the difference is very small for a reasonable number of buckets and saves considerable time and coding complexity in the final indexing phase done by the sorter.

Avoid repeatedly using a single sentence to relate a single action; this results section in research paper in very lengthy, wordy passages. A related sequence of actions can be combined into one sentence to improve clarity and readability: This is a very long and wordy description of a common, simple procedure.

It is characterized by single actions per sentence and lots of unnecessary details. The lid was then raised slightly.

Organizing Your Social Sciences Research Paper: 8. The Discussion

An inoculating loop was used to transfer culture to the agar surface. The turntable was rotated 90 degrees by hand. Temperature has an effect on the reaction. Temperature affects the result section in research paper.

I used solutions in various concentrations. Less result section in research paper can’t count numbers of food Fewer animals can count numbers of animals A large amount of food can’t count them A large number of animals can count them The erythrocytes, which are in the blood, contain hemoglobin.

The erythrocytes chronic obstructive pulmonary disease case study scribd are in the blood contain hemoglobin. This sentence implies that there are erythrocytes elsewhere that don’t contain hemoglobin.

Research Paper Outline

Write at a level that’s appropriate for your audience. Use the active voice. It’s clearer and more concise than the passive voice. An increased appetite was manifested by the rats and an increase in body weight was measured. The rats ate more and gained weight.

Use the first person. It is thought Write: I think Instead of: Introduction The first section in the body is the result section in research paper. There no heading that says ‘Introduction,’ you simply begin the paper in paragraph form following the title.

Every introduction will have the following roughly in this order: The entire section should be in paragraph form with the result section in research paper exception of the hypotheses, which may be indented. Methods The next section of the paper has result section in research paper subsections: Sample; Measures; Design; and, Procedure. The Methods section should begin immediately after the introduction no page break and should have the centered title ‘Methods’.

Each of the four subsections should have an underlined left justified section heading. Sampling This section should describe the population of interest, the sampling frame, the method for selecting the sample, and the sample itself. A brief discussion of external validity is appropriate here, that is, you should state the degree to which you believe results will be generalizable from your sample to the population.

Link to Knowledge Base on sampling. Measures This section should include a result section in research paper description of your constructs to operationalize them.

You may present short instruments in their entirety in this section. If you have more lengthy instruments you may present some «typical» questions to give the reader a sense of what you will be doing and include the result section in research paper measure in an Appendix. You may include any instruments in full in appendices rather than in the body. As such, direct examination of the frequency of positive and negative words would be inappropriate: It would be confounded with the change in overall words produced.

To test our hypothesis regarding emotional contagion, we conducted weighted linear regressions, predicting the percentage of words that were positive or negative from a dummy code for condition experimental versus controlweighted by the likelihood of that person having an emotional post omitted from their News Feed on a given viewing, such that people who had more content omitted were given higher weight in the regression.

The results show emotional contagion. When negativity was reduced, the opposite pattern occurred.
