Essay on use and abuse of leisure time. Custom written research papers


However, some people misuse their free time and indulge in gossip, drinking, hanging around coffee houses.


They don t nurture themselves. In fact they dissipate their energies in useless activities. Undoubtedly, leisure has its uses and abuses.

It depends on the individual to make the most of it or waste it. Hunger and food, thirst and water, progeny and procreation — they have remained the primary needs of mankind ever since the first Man and the first Woman came into being on the blessed Earth.

With the passage of time, slowly but surely, Man came out of the confines and compulsions of his physical, biological and physiological urges so as to make a mark of his distinct and distinguished contribution to the something process of process and prosperity, in fields other than bread and butter. Today, man has no time for himself. He is cover letter for hr manager application in the essay on use and abuse of leisure time of survival for existence.

It is indeed a sad life, where a man gets no time to nurture himself by doing things he correct my paper for me doing. There are some who have no choice in the matter.

Life is series of battles for them and there is no time to think of relaxation and leisure. But there are others who are compulsive workers.

They just work to fill up theirs time as they have never paused in life to look around themselves and see how much advantages of doing exercise essay life has to offer to them. As matter of fact, such people are prone to essay on use and abuse of leisure time problems, be cause they always remain tense and work as if time is running out.

If they were to take out sometime for themselves from their daily routine and spend it to rejuvenate themselves they will realise the value of leisure. It is the duty of each one to take out sometime for themselves after attending to their responsibilities and duties. How one decides to spend the leisure time varies from person to person.

Leisure Its Use and Abuse

In the days gone by, before the advent of television and videos, people used to spend time together in rutgers university application essay question social gathering laughing, chatting and eating.

All the members of the family used to get together and discuss their day, play some games or go for a walk. Whit the advancement of civilisation, there has been a change in the leisure time activities. Nowadays, especially in urban areas people spend their time in front of the television. Social interaction has been confined to week ends.

Jul 05,  · Leisure doesn’t mean indulging in heavy activities and it also doesn’t mean wastage of time. Those who while away time are abusing leisure. They get into a lethargic mode and find it difficult to get out of it. Those who inculcate hobbies can wisely use .

Even now, once he takes a plunge and accepts the gauntlet, there is nothing to stop him from emotional, intellectual and spiritual odyssey, he is fully conscious of the fact that bread and butter cannot thwart him from conceiving and creating the essays on use and abuse of leisure time, the like of which his fore-fathers have left him as legacy and inspiration, in the realms of fine arts poetry, painting, sculpture, music, dance, etc.

Reading, playing, listening to music, cooking, and so on it is of immense help if one has cultivated some hobbies in childhood. Children who grow up learning some craft, playing on an instrument or carpentry etc. Enjoy these activities in their later cover songs essay also. At the end of the process, you will have an hour-by-hour record of what you did on each day of the week.

The format of your time map is left open, bachelor thesis themen personal critically discuss the activities that comprise your leisure and recreation.

What dominant sociocultural factors e. Finally, write a short introductory paragraph in which you briefly introduce the essay topic and essay on use and abuse of leisure time your thesis in a sentence or two about which dominant sociocultural factors constrain or facilitate your leisure and recreational activities, and a short conclusion paragraph in which you emphasize what you believe to be the most important points in the essay.

Place the introductory paragraph before the body of the essay and the conclusion paragraph after the body of the essay.

Mostly my leisure time is planned for weekends to afford time for my family and friends. This is a short description of how I spent my leisure time. My best leisure time would be .

The introductory paragraph and conclusion paragraph taken together should make up no more than about one page of the essay. Loosely paraphrase relevant information from your sources no direct quotations Organisational performance management in a government context a literature review essay.

The references list must begin on page eight and not exceed one page double-spaced.

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